Monday, April 11, 2011

New Obstacle. "Coins" Manual Pad,

It's made out of a new type of granite, It is very smooth. Lacquered on the top for perfect grinding! :)
Coins rearranged on the side of the manual pad to make it look like an awesome and "Rare" fingerboard product! :)

Buy one today and you will get a free piece of Pro-Tape(Thin).
$14.00(Including Shipping!)
Extra Heavy, For A Longer Last! :)

Please Welcome...

Andii Anderson! :)
A girl fingerboarder.
Really good.
More information coming!
Stay tuned.

Planters Concrete New Product | No Name yet.

You get;
12 Riser Pads,
20 Black Screws,
20 Gold Bots,
A tool and
Stickers .

$5.00 + $2.00 Shipping! :) Can't beat that!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coming Soon...

We might be having fingerboard tape.
We just have to talk to the distributers,
So stay tuned! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Planters Concrete New Product | Fingerboard Wheel Washers

You need these for;
The back of your wheels(If you have FlatFace G7.1's you don't need these!)
For your bushings.

$3.00 + $1.00 Shipping.

Comes with all four!

Planters Concrete New Product | Fingerboard Non-Sliders

This is to help;
Your ramps/rails to stop sliding/moving.
To make it not move at all!
You get 30 for $4.00 + $1.00 Shipping! :)

Planters Concrete New Product | Fingerboard Pivot Cups

You will need this to;
Make your trucks tighter,
Make your trucks a little bit more stylish
And to stay cool! :)

You get 20 pieces of short and long pivot cup material.
All for only $1.00 + Shipping! :)