Monday, April 11, 2011

New Obstacle. "Coins" Manual Pad,

It's made out of a new type of granite, It is very smooth. Lacquered on the top for perfect grinding! :)
Coins rearranged on the side of the manual pad to make it look like an awesome and "Rare" fingerboard product! :)

Buy one today and you will get a free piece of Pro-Tape(Thin).
$14.00(Including Shipping!)
Extra Heavy, For A Longer Last! :)

Please Welcome...

Andii Anderson! :)
A girl fingerboarder.
Really good.
More information coming!
Stay tuned.

Planters Concrete New Product | No Name yet.

You get;
12 Riser Pads,
20 Black Screws,
20 Gold Bots,
A tool and
Stickers .

$5.00 + $2.00 Shipping! :) Can't beat that!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coming Soon...

We might be having fingerboard tape.
We just have to talk to the distributers,
So stay tuned! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Planters Concrete New Product | Fingerboard Wheel Washers

You need these for;
The back of your wheels(If you have FlatFace G7.1's you don't need these!)
For your bushings.

$3.00 + $1.00 Shipping.

Comes with all four!

Planters Concrete New Product | Fingerboard Non-Sliders

This is to help;
Your ramps/rails to stop sliding/moving.
To make it not move at all!
You get 30 for $4.00 + $1.00 Shipping! :)

Planters Concrete New Product | Fingerboard Pivot Cups

You will need this to;
Make your trucks tighter,
Make your trucks a little bit more stylish
And to stay cool! :)

You get 20 pieces of short and long pivot cup material.
All for only $1.00 + Shipping! :)

Planters Concrete Welcomes: Camden Davis

From Virginia
12 Years Old.
a.k.a. 13camtheman

His YouTube  <-------Click that!

Planters Concrete Welcomes: Anton Dean

A very good fingerboarder.
From the United Kingdom.
A Dedicated fingerboarder, living the life.

Check out his YouTube: Thrasher9611

Planters Concrete, Soon To Be Available At FingerDecks!

We will now be having our ramps available through FingerDecks website and Feet-N-Fingers 
So go check it out.

Planters Concrete New Logo/Design!

We've made a new logo for our new tickers.
I will get a dew printed to see how good they actually are!
Free stickers with every order!

Planters Concrete Price List.

The following prices are for our obstacles.

Manny Pad $15.00USD
Other Obstacles $17.00USD

we will be updating this daily.

Scammer Alert! Dooby Decks.

I sent him my $65 wheels.(Flatface G7.1 Brandon Roberts). He agreed that he was going to send me 2 decks and a bracelet.
I waited a week, he still hasn't sent the decks.
So I'm pretty sure I got scammed.
So don't buy/trade from "Ray".
He's a scammer.
So yeah,!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Submit your ideas!

We want to here from You.
We will now be making new fingerboard manual pads and other obstacles!
We want some ideas from you so we can make what you want!
Tell us what you want us to make and we can make it! :)

Planters Concrete "Manny Pad" Project.

Planters Concrete proudly presents "Manny Pad".
A manual pad dedicated to fingerboarders.
It is $15.00(Including Shipping Cost!)
It is made out of Marble/Granite.
Made with a top quality glue.
Defined to make fingerboarding a fun and addicted sport! :)

(Fingerboard Not Included!)

Really smooth.
Grinds perfect!


This is the official website for Planters Concrete fingerboard obstacles.
You will get updates on when things will be available through our webstore.